Several theories have been doing the rounds on social media about the reason behind white tiger’s attack on the man, since the tiger killed the man who had reportedly jumped into its enclosure in Delhi zoo. After the video of the shocking incident went viral, people have been expressing their own point of views about the incident. Some claim that the people, who were pelting stones to distract the tiger provoked the wild cat to attack the man because the big creature was curiously watching him for about 15 minutes before the pelting started.
Now, another theory that has been put forward which is as hilarious as it is nonsensical. A message is being spread on social media that claims the forensic report of the incident says the tiger was trying to save that man from stones thrown by on lookers and kept him far from public, just as a tigress catches its kids by the neck to save them from threat. Unfortunately, according to them, tiger’s teeth caused the death of that man. The message justifies its claim saying that there were no injuries on the boy’s body except a wounded throat.
Just one point is enough to puncture the claim is that the animal was male and its name is Vijay. Why such hullabaloos is created over an incident in which tiger reacted according to its natural instinct. Can we, at least, leave the tiger now?
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